
Vrikshasana or Tree Pose yoga, is a foundational yoga posture that focuses on balance, stability, and concentration.

The word “Vrikshasana” is derived from two Sanskrit words: Vriksha, meaning tree, and Asana, meaning posture.

This pose emulates the steady, grounded nature of a tree, requiring both mental and physical balance.

It is one of the few standing poses in yoga where the practitioner must maintain stability on one leg while keeping the other leg elevated and foot resting on the inner thigh or calf.

Vriksh asana

Unlike many other yoga postures that involve being on the floor or ground.

Vrikshasana cultivates a sense of rootedness while simultaneously fostering a feeling of lightness and growth, much like a tree extending its branches toward the sky.

It strengthens the legs, improves posture, and promotes calmness and focus.

Steps to Perform Vrikshasana (Tree Pose Yoga)

  1. Start with a Standing Position: Begin by standing in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), with your feet together and arms by your sides. Distribute your body weight evenly across both feet.
  2. Shift Weight to One Leg: Slowly shift your body weight onto your right foot, keeping your leg straight and stable.
  3. Lift the Opposite Leg: Bend your left knee and place the sole of your left foot on the inner right thigh. If this is difficult, place your foot on your calf, but avoid placing it directly on the knee joint.
  4. Balance: Once you have found your balance, bring your hands into a prayer position (Anjali Mudra) at your chest or extend your arms overhead with palms facing each other or touching, resembling tree branches.
  5. Maintain the Pose: Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute while taking slow, deep breaths. Keep your gaze focused on a point in front of you to maintain balance.
  6. Switch Sides: Slowly lower your left leg and return to the standing position. Repeat the pose on the opposite side by lifting your right leg.

Benefits of Vrikshasana (Tree Pose Yoga)

  • Improves Balance and Stability: Vrikshasana is excellent for improving your sense of balance and coordination, which helps in other standing and movement-based yoga poses.
  • Strengthens Legs and Core: This posture tones and strengthens the leg muscles, particularly the thighs, calves and ankles, while also engaging the core.
  • Increases Focus and Concentration: By maintaining balance on one leg, you develop greater mental focus and awareness, which can also calm the mind.
  • Enhances Posture: Practicing Vrikshasana regularly helps to improve your overall posture by encouraging proper alignment of the spine.
  • Builds Self-Confidence: Standing tall and grounded in this pose fosters a sense of inner confidence and emotional strength.
  • Promotes Calmness: As you balance on one leg, this pose helps to relieve anxiety and stress, promoting a sense of calm and clarity.

Precautions and Contraindications for Vrikshasana (Tree Pose Yoga)

  1. Knee Issues: If you have a knee injury, avoid putting pressure on your knees, and be mindful of the placement of your lifted foot to avoid aggravating the joint.
  2. Vertigo or Balance Issues: If you suffer from vertigo or balance problems, practice the pose near a wall for support or avoid it altogether.
  3. Ankle or Foot Problems: Those with weak ankles or foot injuries should be cautious and may need additional support during the pose.
  4. High Blood Pressure: If you have high blood pressure, avoid raising your arms above your head. Keep them in the prayer position at your chest.
  5. Hip or Pelvic Problems: For those with hip or pelvic issues, avoid forcing the knee outward. Maintain the lifted leg at a comfortable angle.


  • Vrikshasana is a powerful yet simple yoga pose that helps bring both physical and mental equilibrium.
  • It teaches the practitioner the importance of grounding and stability, while also promoting growth and expansion.
  • With regular practice, this pose strengthens the legs, enhances focus, and improves posture, all while fostering a sense of inner calm and concentration.
  • Though it may seem simple, practicing Vrikshasana with mindfulness and attention to form can yield long-lasting benefits.
  • Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, Tree Pose can provide a deeper connection between body and mind, helping you to feel balanced and centered in your practice and in life.