
Cat Pose yoga, known as Marjariasana in Sanskrit, is a foundational yoga posture that mimics the stretching motion of a cat.

The name is derived from “Marjari,” meaning cat, and “Asana,” meaning pose.

This posture is excellent for improving flexibility in the spine and promoting relaxation.

Cat Pose yoga
Cat Pose yoga

Cat Pose yoga is typically paired with Cow Pose (Bitilasana) to create a flowing, gentle movement between arching and rounding the back.

It’s a beginner-friendly asana often included in yoga sequences for its ability to warm up the spine and alleviate tension.

Steps to Perform Cat Pose Yoga

  1. Begin by coming onto your hands and knees in a tabletop position, ensuring that your wrists are directly beneath your shoulders and your knees are hip-width apart.
  2. Distribute your weight evenly between your hands and knees, and make sure your back is in a neutral position.
  3. On an exhale, gently round your back, drawing your belly button toward your spine. Allow your head to drop, bringing your chin toward your chest. Your back should form a natural arch like a cat stretching.
  4. Hold the pose for a few seconds, focusing on the stretch along your spine.
  5. Inhale and return to the neutral tabletop position. Repeat the movement for several breaths, moving between Cat Pose yoga and its counterpart, Cow Pose yoga
  6. Maintain smooth and synchronized breathing throughout the movement to promote relaxation and mindfulness.

Benefits of Cat Pose Yoga

  • Improves spinal flexibility: Regular practice of Cat Pose yoga helps to stretch and mobilize the spine, improving flexibility and range of motion in the back.
  • Releases tension: This pose is particularly beneficial for those who experience tightness in the back, neck, or shoulders, as it helps to release stored tension.
  • Stimulates the digestive system: The gentle massage of the abdominal organs during the movement between Cat and Cow poses yoga can help stimulate digestion.
  • Promotes circulation: Cat Pose encourages healthy blood flow throughout the body, especially along the spine and abdominal area.
  • Reduces stress: By synchronizing breath with movement, Cat Pose yoga helps calm the mind and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Enhances posture: By strengthening the spine and core muscles, this pose can contribute to improved posture over time.
  • Gentle warm-up: It’s an excellent asana to warm up the body and prepare the muscles for deeper stretches.

Precautions and Contraindications of Cat Pose Yoga

  1. Neck injuries: If you have a pre-existing neck injury, be cautious while practicing Cat Pose. Keep your head in a neutral position and avoid tucking the chin too deeply.
  2. Pregnancy: Women in the late stages of pregnancy should modify or avoid this pose, especially if discomfort is experienced while rounding the spine.
  3. Back pain: If you have severe or chronic back pain, practice this pose under the guidance of a yoga instructor to ensure proper alignment and movement.
  4. Knee issues: Place extra cushioning under your knees if you experience discomfort on hard surfaces.
  5. Wrist discomfort: If you have wrist pain, consider placing your forearms on the floor or using yoga blocks to support your upper body.


  • Cat Pose yoga (Marjariasana) is a simple yet powerful yoga posture that offers a range of physical and mental benefits.
  • It helps release tension in the spine, promotes better posture, and enhances flexibility.
  • The rhythmic movement and controlled breathing in this pose can also calm the mind, making it an excellent practice for stress relief.
  • Whether you’re a beginner or experienced yogi, incorporating this pose into your routine will strengthen your core, increase spinal mobility and foster a sense of relaxation and mindfulness.
  • Regular practice, combined with awareness of alignment and breath, will bring profound benefits to both the body and mind.