
Savithri Asana is a less commonly known but highly effective yoga pose that promotes balance, concentration, and physical flexibility.

Named after the Hindu goddess Savithri, this pose is designed to awaken inner energy and bring the body into harmony with the breath.

savithri asana yoga
savithri asana yoga

The pose emphasizes coordination, strength, and focus, making it an excellent practice for building both mental and physical resilience.

Although the asana may look simple at first, it requires mindfulness and steady practice to achieve the full benefits.

Steps to Perform Savithri Asana Yoga Pose

  1. Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana):
    Start by standing at the top of your mat with your feet together and arms by your sides. This is your grounding position. Focus on balancing your weight evenly across both feet and elongate your spine.
  2. Raise Your Arms Overhead:
    On an inhale, slowly lift your arms above your head, bringing your palms together in a prayer position. Keep your arms straight but relaxed. The goal is to maintain length in your body as you stretch upwards.
  3. Lift Onto Your Toes:
    Engage your core and gently lift your heels off the floor, coming onto the balls of your feet. As you balance on your toes, focus on extending upward through your entire body—from your heels through the crown of your head.
  4. Hold and Focus on Your Breath:
    Maintain the pose by engaging your core and legs while staying balanced on your toes. Keep your gaze straight ahead and focus on slow, deep breaths. Hold the posture for 20-30 seconds, or as long as you can maintain stability.
  5. Lower Your Heels and Release:
    As you exhale, slowly lower your heels back to the floor and bring your arms down by your sides. Return to Mountain Pose and take a few moments to center yourself before moving on.

Benefits of Savithri Asana Yoga Pose

  1. Improves Balance and Stability:
    Savithri Asana requires you to engage your core and leg muscles to stay balanced on your toes. Regular practice helps improve stability, coordination, and balance, which can positively impact your overall posture and alignment.
  2. Strengthens the Lower Body:
    The act of lifting your heels off the ground strengthens the calves, ankles, and feet. It also engages the thighs and glutes, making it an effective asana for building lower body strength.
  3. Enhances Mental Focus and Concentration:
    Since Savithri Asana demands physical stability, it also encourages mental focus. Holding the pose requires concentration and control, helping to sharpen your awareness and mindfulness.
  4. Promotes Better Posture:
    By emphasizing an upright and extended position, Savithri Asana improves your overall posture. It encourages length in the spine, and the alignment of the body fosters better standing posture throughout your daily activities.
  5. Boosts Circulation:
    Lifting onto your toes in this posture helps increase blood flow to the legs and feet. This can alleviate issues such as poor circulation or foot discomfort and improve overall cardiovascular health.
  6. Improves Coordination:
    Savithri Asana helps train your body to coordinate different muscle groups to achieve balance. This improved coordination transfers to other physical activities and enhances athletic performance.
  7. Engages the Core:
    The need to balance and stabilize your body while in the pose activates the core muscles. As a result, practicing this pose regularly strengthens your abdominal muscles and improves core strength.
  8. Calms the Mind:
    The focus on breathing and concentration in Savithri Asana helps calm the mind and reduce stress. By connecting your breath to your movements, you can enter a meditative state that promotes relaxation and mental clarity.

Precautions and Contraindications for Savithri Asana Yoga Pose

  1. Ankle or Foot Injuries:
    Since the pose requires balancing on your toes, it places pressure on your ankles and feet. If you have any ankle or foot injuries, be cautious and avoid the pose if it causes discomfort or strain. Consider modifying the pose by keeping your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Knee Problems:
    Practitioners with knee issues should be mindful of the strain this pose may place on the knees. If you feel any discomfort in your knees, try adjusting your posture by slightly bending your knees or not lifting as high onto your toes.
  3. Pregnancy:
    Pregnant women should approach Savithri Asana with caution, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. The balance required in the pose may become more challenging as the center of gravity shifts. It’s advisable to practice near a wall for support or avoid the pose altogether if balance becomes an issue.
  4. Dizziness or Balance Issues:
    If you experience dizziness, vertigo, or have difficulty balancing, it’s important to practice this pose near a wall or use a chair for support. Avoid holding the pose for too long if you feel unsteady.
  5. Breathing Concerns:
    Since Savithri Asana involves focus on breath control, it is important not to overexert yourself. Individuals with breathing issues, such as asthma, should practice the pose with deep, steady breaths and avoid holding their breath.
  6. Tension in the Neck and Shoulders:
    In this pose, some people may unintentionally tighten their neck and shoulders, leading to discomfort or strain. To prevent this, consciously relax your shoulders away from your ears while maintaining a long spine and a neutral neck position.
  7. Avoid Overexertion:
    While Savithri Asana can be a rewarding pose for balance and strength, it’s important not to push yourself beyond your limits. If you are new to the pose, start slowly and gradually build up the time you hold it. Use props or modifications as needed.


  • Savithri Asana is a wonderful yoga pose for improving both physical and mental balance.
  • Its emphasis on strength, focus, and breath control makes it a valuable addition to any yoga practice.
  • By regularly incorporating this pose into your routine, you can experience improved posture, better balance, and enhanced coordination.
  • The simplicity of the asana belies its profound effects, making it accessible for practitioners of all levels while still providing significant benefits.
  • In addition to the physical advantages, Savithri Asana fosters mental clarity and calm, helping to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • The meditative aspects of the pose encourage mindfulness and deeper awareness of the breath, which can be especially beneficial in managing the stresses of daily life.
  • Whether you are seeking to build physical strength, increase your mental focus, or simply find more balance in your life, Savithri Asana offers a holistic approach to wellness.
  • Like all yoga practices, consistency is key—over time, you will find yourself becoming more attuned to both your body and mind through this powerful asana.